Our Process

Discover the Essence of Jalisco in Every Sip: Crafting Tradition with Casa Sauza® for Over 150 Years

Plantation Tequila Sauza in Mexico


Agave is what brings this spirit to life

Tequila as we know it would not exist without blue weber agave. This carefully cultivated plant produces the sugar that gives tequila its unique taste. Only the freshest blue weber agave is used in Sauza® Tequila, which is what makes our spirits ideal for margaritas and cocktails.

Born in mexico

The history of tequila is a long and storied one, but ultimately, it all comes back to one region – Jalisco. This is where you’ll find the finest blue weber agave, perfect for crafting smooth tequila. It is also the home of Casa Sauza®, where we’ve crafted the region’s finest tequila for over 150 years.

Plantation Tequila Sauza in Mexico men working
Crafting Tequila Feet Sauza


All our tequilas are carefully produced using a unique method known as gentle extraction. We use the nectar of the finest blue weber agave and then cook the juices only after they’ve been extracted from the piña. This innovative approach ensures our agave flavors are their freshest and most pure.

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Don Cenobio Three Dons Sauza

Explore Our Tequilas

Savor the Spirit of Sauza Tequila: Exceptional Craftsmanship, Timeless Legacy

Sauza hacineda image